Call in to speak with Pat and Karin (347) 215-6833 (Open to questions after the Matrix Session)

Dr. Pat Carrington
Dr. Pat Carrington is well known in the Meditation field, the EFT field and more. You would think after all she’s been through and accomplished that she would be perfect by now… think again.
As much as Dr. Carrington has given the world and as much as she has done for others – it should be her turn, right? Things should be pretty smooth for someone this talented and intelligent. However, there are things that stop us all from enjoying life. But the good news is we have tools like Matrix Reimprinting to overcome stubborn obstacles.
Find out what Dr. Carrington is working on. AND I’ll be leading her through an actual Matrix Reimprinting session!
And she has agreed to let me, Karin Davidson, ask the difficult questions. I, too, am looking forward to this interview!
[audio:Pat-Carrington-Matrix- | |