young male holding his back in painPractitioner Question: Client has had major back pain: is due for disk replacement surgery but amazingly – nothing shows up in an MRI. What would you recommend for this? Surgery is scheduled for next month.

Karin: Which disc? I mean where is the pain… lower/mid/upper/neck? And is the pain smack in the middle, or is it more on one side or the other? And if so, which side, and is the client left handed or right handed?

Practitioner’s client: I have pain inside by L5 S1

Karin Davidson: Severe self-devaluation. Not good enough.

So you are looking for a UDIN moment (unexpected, dramatic, isolating, and in which the client had no strategy). You can feel utterly alone even with other people around, so this doesn’t mean he was by himself when it occurred. Were his parents trying to have a baby or was he a surprise? I’m muscle testing that it’s conception. Also preconception ancestral – so what nationality was he? (Example – a Japanese couple is not married, but the girl gets pregnant – unwanted child and deep family shame so the baby feels he’s not good enough with extreme self-devaluation because his parents didn’t want him and in his nationality he feels the deep shame toward him – it’s all his fault.) Ancestral does not necessarily mean generational (bloodline) – it’s his tribe, his people, his nationality

BTW – regular energy work would not be enough here; not enough time – it would have to be finding the core event and using Matrix Reimprinting on whatever the event was.   Lower back pain is very sticky because once you’ve learned you’re not good enough, it’s VERY hard to shake it… and that’s your go-to reason for practically everything negative that has ever happened to you. Once you find the core event and clear it, you have to take the learning and do Release and Replace Shortcut for ALL the ECHOS that ever felt self-devalued or not good enough throughout his entire life.