About Karin
Karin’s Story

“I have been in Clinical practice for over 50 years as a psychoanalyst. As part of my personal and professional journey I have been a client in many different types of therapy with a number of talented and capable therapists. As you might imagine I am very particular when it comes to choosing a therapist to work with me.
I can without reservation highly recommend Karin Davidson. I have been amazed at the tremendous progress I have made on some very important issues in my life. Her authenticity, ability to clear and help me to release myself from old “stuck” places coupled with her fantastic utilization of Universal Source Energy in helping to open the way for me has allowed me to process, change and liberate myself from some very old patterns that were infecting my personal life and attitudes…
I can recommend without reservation anyone who truly wants to experience becoming who they were meant to become and the joy that there is waiting for them in their lives working with Karin Davidson.”
Karin’s Background
Over 35 Years of Experience Helping People Like You Change Their Lives
- Creator of Divine Light Healing
- Certified Matrix Reimprinting Trainer
- Co-author of the EFT Levels Comprehensive Training Resources with Ann Adams, director of the former EFT Masters program
- Active EFT and Matrix Reimprinting Practice
- Created www.YouTube.com/TapWithKarin
- Developed the free program at www.EFTwords.com
- Speaker at 2009 EFT Masterclass
- Writer, webdesigner and interviewer for the MTTassociation.com website and co-editor of the MTT manual
- Featured in EFT Hub and the Tapping Insider’s Club
- Guest Speaker for Living Energy Secrets, EFTproRadio, The Tapping Fest, Matrix Reimprinting Training Telecourses, and more
- International Trainer for EFT
- Interviewer for the EFT Masters Worldwide Website and other programs
- EFT Universe Training Certification Development Team
- Co-Developer for the MTT Certification Program with EFT Masters Dr. Pat Carrington, Lindsay Kenny, Nancy Gnecco and other EFT Masters)
- Member of ACEP – Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology
- Member of INHA – International Natural Healers Association Studied
- Pre-Med for 3.5 years at Villanova University – BA in Communications
- Created over 80 DVDs on EFT
- Videotaped and Edited Sandi Radomski’s Laser training DVD and Ask and Receive training DVD set
- Various additional workshops in motivation, team work, training, management, ethics, marketing and writing
- Read/watched over 300 books and DVDs on Energy Psychology*, EFT, Universal Law, Motivation, Alternative Healing, Education, Health, Nutrition, Natural Health, Business, Acupressure, After-Life, and more.
- Reiki Master
- Certified Hypnotherapist – NGH
- Edited and Videotaped Meta-Medicine and EFT 9 DVD training set
- Co-Trainer with Richard Flook – author of Why Am I Sick? and international trainer for Meta-Medicine
- EFT Level 1 Certificate from Ann Adams, Director of the former EFT Master Program (and 3 more times with EFT Masters Gwyneth Moss, Lindsay Kenny and Karl Dawson)
- EFT Level 2 Certificate from EFT Master, Dr. Carol Look (and 3 more times with EFT Masters Gwyneth Moss, Lindsay Kenny and Karl Dawson)
- EFT Level 3 Certificate from EFT Master, Ann Ross (and again with EFT Master Gwyneth Moss)
- Matrix Reimprinting Trainer Certificate from EFT Master, Karl Dawson
- EFT mentoring from Ann Adams, Director of the former EFT Master Program
- Bob Doyle “The Secret”/Carol Look Certificate from their 3-day workshop
- 18 hour certificate from EFT Master Training Workshop in Dallas
- 18 hour certificate from the EFT Master Training Workshop in Denver
- 18 hour certificate from the EFT Master Training Workshop in Boston
- 18 hour certificate from the EFT Master Training Workshop in Sydney
- Certificate from the UK Masterclass 2007 and 2008
- Dr. Carol Look – various workshops including Trauma and Abundance 3-day workshops
- Video taped and edited Gary Craig’s EFT and Brain Waves Seminar in Boston
- Attended the last EFT Master Candidate 2-day seminar (the program was then cancelled)
- Videotaped and edited over 32 hours of private EFT sessions celine 50308 fashion caps and teachings for various EFT Masters (Pat Carrington, Loretta Sparks, Ann Ross, Jaqui Crooks, Judy Byrne, Gwyneth Moss, Emma Roberts, Sue Beer and Tania Prince)
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