by Karin Davidson | Jun 25, 2018 | Featured Experts
“Babe, you awake?” Silence. “You’re awake aren’t you?” I glance at my watch. 11:30pm. We’d gone to bed at 10:00pm but I knew she was awake. I could just sense her laying there, facing away from me, eyes open, staring at the wall. “Babe, what’s wrong?” Something was...
by Karin Davidson | Oct 27, 2016 | Featured Experts
Research demonstrates that when stress hormones flood a child’s body and brain, it can adversely affect the individual’s stress response for life High stress response over a period of time increases the risk of inflammation, chronic inflammation has been linked to...
by Karin Davidson | Aug 8, 2014 | Featured Experts, Matrix Reimprinting Radio
Feeling unmotivated? I have an amazing guest. For the last year I have been through heck… unmotivated, a fear ball in my stomach for no reason, mind swirling, throwing up, dizzy, feet burning and more TMI… I had no idea what was happening. And then it got...