by Karin Davidson | Jun 6, 2017 | Random Thoughts
“But the truth is, exercise does not work, diets do not work, feeling crummy does not work. Nothing works. My advice: Quit trying to be something you’re not, be happy with the life you’ve been given, and just go for a pleasant walk outside. With me. Wherever you are....
by Karin Davidson | Oct 31, 2015 | Random Thoughts
In case you missed it, October 21st was Back to the Future Day– the date that Marty and Doc zapped into the future in Back to the Future– Part II. Like many others – okay, basically the entire Internet – I couldn’t help but want to share a couple of important points...
by Karin Davidson | Oct 28, 2015 | Random Thoughts
Once every couple of years, my friend Sharon stops by. She stays about 10 days and sees people in-person and by Skype. She’s a psychic.. and a medium… and a medical intuitive… and a pretty powerful energy healer and a few other woowoo things. So what’s it like to live...
by Karin Davidson | Jan 5, 2015 | Random Thoughts
My friend Ann Adams was an administrator of a children’s mental hospital for over 25 years. She found EFT and used it with the children with great results.. even though it was “weird” – because it worked… Her family thinks it looks...
by Karin Davidson | Nov 4, 2012 | Random Thoughts
I’m teaching EFT Level 1 and Matrix Reimprinting in Marlton, NJ so I thought it would be nice to do an introduction class because few of them had heard of EFT (let alone Matrix.) What I didn’t realize was that the location was a pranic healing center. I...
by Karin Davidson | Jan 8, 2012 | Random Thoughts
So I’m writing the “official” EFT Level 1 – 3 training coursebooks for EFT Universe and hopefully AAMET and other trainers… and I’m writing it with Ann Adams. She’s the director of the former EFT Masters program that she developed with the almighty Gary Craig himself....