New Clients
The following information is intended to support you in your upcoming private sessions with Karin. Watching these videos before your session will increase your understanding of meridian-based techniques and energy work, support your healing journey, and help you prepare to get the most out of your session.
Let Karin & Divine Access Choose
Your Divine Light Healing Session
How to Prepare
Before your Divine Light Healing session with Karin, follow the instructions below to maximize your results and get the most out of your Divine Light Healing experience:
- Identify the Goal You Want to Achieve. Beofre your Divine Light Healing session, identify the goal you want to achieve. This may be difficult, because most people naturally focus on what they can’t do and what they want to be gone. For this step, instead of thinking about what you don’t want, consider what those things are blocking you from achieving, being, or succeeding at. What would it look like or feel like for you to be happy or fulfilled after the blocks were removed? This will help you identify your goal.
- Make a List of What You Believe is Blocking You From Your Goal. List at least the top five reasons you believe you cannot or have not achieved your goal or what you believe is blocking you from it. AFTER you have made the list, go back and rate each of the blocks / reasons by the percentage of how true each is for you, right now.
For example:
My goal is to have more money and live in financial freedom.I believe my top 5 blocks are:
• Rich people are greedy (90% true)
• People like us don’t have money (60% true)
• I can’t keep money (60% true)
• There’s not enough to go around (50% true)
• I always only have just enough (50% true) - How Possible is it? Once you’ve completed the first two steps, take a moment and ask yours: How possible is it for me to achieve my goal right now, on a scale of 0% to 100% (0% being not possible at all, and 100% being entirely possible without question). Record your answer.
- Send your goal, list, and possibility repsonse to Karin before your session at
In your session, Karin will use Divine Access to cliarufy and pinpoint the most important order to clear these blocks for your goal.
Remember that belief matters. The more you know things can change, the more they actually can change and the more Karin can help you. It can be done without the support of your beief in the possibility that things can be different, but it takes longer ( a lot longer). It’s a belief that change is possible that makes faster change happen.
If you struggle withthe belief that things can change, follow along with the EFT Tapping video below prior to your session!
Your Matrix Reimprinting Session
How to Get the Most Out of Your Matrix Reimprinting with EFT Session with Your Practitioner
Your EFT Tapping Session
Introduction to Meridian Tapping Techniques
The Tapping Points
Please follow along and tap. The work will be much deeper and we will accomplish more in your temperature control vape tank session if you are familiar with the basic meridian points beforehand.
EFT Tapping: I Believe in Healing Magic
This tapalong video will help you believe that healing with energy techniqes is possible for you, lessening your resistance to experiencing profound, magical results in your work with Karin.
What to Expect After a Session
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