EFT Tapping
I became completely pain-free!
“At the time of my car accident, I had no pain whatsoever, just a lot of stress from the shock. A few days later, sharp stinging pain began to shoot up and down my left leg and lower back every time I got out of my car or stood up. I began getting massages and going to physical therapy, but the pain would still come and go for months. One particularly stressful and rainy day the pain kept increasing. By evening I could barely walk. I went to my friend Karin who is an EFT practitioner and we did 15 minutes of EFT and the pain completely subsided.
- Want to know more about Emotional Freedom Techniques and what it can do for you?
- Are you looking for EFT tapping resources that have been proven to be effective?
- Are you interested in learning how to use EFT tapping techniques to help yourself or others?
- Do you already know EFT and want more advanced education?
- Do you want to learn to use non-invasive tools like EFT for weight loss, anxiety, phobias, or other physical and emotional issues?
- Do you find yourself wondering, “What is EFT tapping and how can it help me?”
You’re in the right place! The How To Tap training store is filled with inspiring and powerful resources for your personal health, happiness, well-being, and prosperity.
One EFT Session Quickly Accomplishes More then Years of Talk Therapy
“Whoa… this stuff is so crazy! I honestly can say I had my doubts before I came today — I mean, I underwent talk therapy with some of the biggest, most accomplished names in the area… and here I am tapping on myself with much more immediate and ‘real’ results. Nuts. Thanks! Seriously.”
Blown Away!
“I am again blown away. How does a little tapping and talking, a little repeating of words suggested by Karin, relieve chronic lower back with which I have suffered for years? Could pain, in some cases, really be caused by some kind of emotional blockages? How is it possible that running my fingers lightly on specific points while talking dissolve those blockages? I am a business guy. I understand cause and effect, action and results. I don’t understand how this tapping works but I do understand that in the hands of a well trained EFT professional are the skills necessary to free me from intense, chronic pain. Karin you are Amazing. EFT works.” –Tom Richte
Access the Best Learning Resources Available for EFT Tapping
Karin has developed an extensive library of EFT Tapping resources from some of the best practitioners, masters, and professionals in the world – now atvs premium plus disposable e cigs pink lemonade 6000 puff you can learn EFT tapping and other, effective, non-invasive techniques from the comfort of your own home.
You can access some of the best EFT tapping and learning resources available, all in one place. Click here to see what you can learn!
Here are just a few of the high quality, training resources available to you:
- EFT Tapping for Self Help Set: Over 7.5 hours of EFT tapping technique demonstrations, training, tap alongs, and more!
- EFT Intro Learning Package: Best value package for anyone wishing to get a quick and effective grasp on EFT tapping techniques.
- TapAlongs: Why think? With tap alongs, you are guided through various “rounds” of tapping for specific issues like weight loss, financial stress, relationship problems, disease issues, lifting depressing feelings, chronic pain and more.
- EFT for Weight Loss & Self Image: This live workshop & workbook combo teaches you how to apply EFT to lose weight and improve your relationship with yourself.
- Matrix Reimprinting and Meta-Medicine: How to use the simple yet advanced EFT technique with Meta-Medicine. Find out what is REALLY going on with disease and illness and how you can clear the underlying issues.
- Advanced Training DVDs and Downloads: A variety of modality-specific and topic-specific trainings for advancing your skills.
- The Release and Replace Shortcut: The astounding method that can release chronic emotionally painful events, lifelong limiting beliefs and repetitive blocks to success in one session.
- And much, much more!
“I bought some of your fabulous DVDs, and I must say that you have a definite gift. I have observed the tapping of many Masters, and although they are good, I wish they all had the personal touch you have. You go into a depth I have never seen before.
I am suffering greatly from tons of things, and I think you can help me. As a matter of fact, my depression lifted after tapping with you and feel confident that as I tap along with your DVDS, that I can finally confront the other things. I have not been able to do this with other folks – not to impugn anyone. They are all good, there’s just something about your unique warm VERY SAFE approach. You are a charming, warm lady with much insight and ability. Thanks, thanks, and thank you again and again!” –Joan Thorton
“I have to tell you that I absolutely love your realness and I’ve watched many videos on EFT and you are my favorite. When I tell people about EFT I tell them to watch you because I think they will relate to you. I am grateful that I found you and EFT. Sometimes it just feels like an energy exchange between yourself and me on the video. I seriously can feel actual shifts in my body. You’re amazing and I am grateful for the work you do. By the way… I have better results when watching a video and tapping than I do when I’m by myself tapping!” –Lisa Abreu
Still uncertain? Try these no-cost step-by-step EFT tapping videos for self-help.
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