Your Soul Train
Having worked with thousands of clients in my practice, I started to wonder: Why isn’t there a way to get the new learning without having to go through specific events? AND without making clients “relive” these events which could be difficult?” So I developed a brand new method based on hypnotherapy (CHT), Energy Health, and over 7,000 client sessions that does exactly that. Now you can learn it too!
“Karin’s Soul Train helped me shift some of the biggest unconscious blocks of my life. She utilized this technique to help me unburden lifelong struggles in my relationship with my father by clearing the things that do not serve me anymore. It is gentle but extremely powerful. I’m thankful Karin continues to develop the most practical, effective energy healing tools to help her clients!”
“I have had the problem my whole life (86 years) and when I used Karin’s Soul Train Method I was so excited and blessed to see how easy it was to clear out this lifetime fear and have my angels come in and watch them light up my past as it was being healed.”
The most commonly used methods, like EMDR, EFT, Matrix Reimprinting, Provocative Therapy, Experiential Therapy, and many more all require remembering specific events and re-experiencing those same feelings. But some clients don’t have access to memories, others have memories that are too painful and difficult to work with directly, and others believe they can simply bury the negative memory because they just don’t want to “go there again.”
But What if Remembering Wasn’t Necessary?
“With many therapies, identifying events that contribute to the current problem is required for the client to get relief. Not so with Your Soul Train. After my session with Karin, I felt very relaxed, at ease and free of any stress or anxiety – in general, at peace. I feel like I let go of something and that I will be showing up differently in my life. Thank you Karin!”
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