Understand Addictions
Gain Personal and Professional Benefit
Addiction is a challenge that affects the lives of many people – either yours or someone you love. Addiction is not a character flaw. The addiction started because it appeared to be comforting. The addiction was an attempt to solve a problem. The addiction then became the problem. This DVD set can give you a tool to resolve these problems.
These quality videos offer unique and effective methods to assist in treating and resolving complex issues surrounding addiction. Traditional methods can be helpful but when combined with EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques*) – your opportunity for relief is greatly increased.
Watch Experts
Watch skillful Presentations and Demonstrations by 4 addictions experts with a combined 80 years experience.
An addiction can be to any substance or behavior you feel compelled to eat, drink, take, have or do. If you have – or work with people who have – cravings or other addictive behaviors this new set of DVDs can jump start your understanding of why it happens and what to do about it
Who will Benefit from this DVD set?
- Coaches who sometimes deal with people with addictive issues
- Therapists who would like to see how meridian techniques like EFT work with any type addition issue.
- People who have friends and family with addictive problems and want to understand
- People with addictive issues who are ready to learn more and begin the process of change.
Increase your Success Rate and have more Satisfied Clients
Working with Addictive behavior can be challenging. There is a high drop out rate and lower follow through rates when working with people with a wide variety of addictive behaviors. Learn to use EFT more efficiently and increase client satisfaction.
Learn to use the ‘RIGHT’ Words
One of the most often asked question by coaches and therapists using EFT or other tapping methods is how do I get the ‘right’ words. Watch these experts as they carefully listen to their client and feed back their issues in the most effective way
Decrease the Challenges
Working with Addictive behavior can be challenging. The high drop out rates and lower follow through rates when working with people with a wide variety of addictive behaviors can be frustrating. Learn to use EFT more efficiently and increase client satisfaction.
These skillful Presentations and Demonstrations are helpful at all EFT levels
Pick up new tips, try the suggested techniques and make your use of EFT even more efficient.
Personal Benefit
Use borrowing benefits with the sessions on these DVDs for your own issues from the fascinating demonstrations. Watch participants resolve multiple issues – some just like yours or a client you are working with.
Research Proved the Effectiveness
Participants at the workshop completing forms for a research project reported from 38 to 66% lasting benefit on various issues from the experience of attending the workshop – these results held after three months – an amazing statistically significant result!! This study has been submitted for publication in a professional journal. Now you can build on these gains for your issues with this DVD set.
Four Addiction Experts share Expertise
Dr. Carol Look, Sue Beer, David Rourke and Loretta Sparks, four highly experienced therapists with extensive addiction experience, came together to share expertise gleaned from a combined 80 years of experience working with people with addictive behaviors of all kinds. They share ground breaking information and ideas about the drivers behind addictions and suggestions for the use of EFT to skillfully address addictive behaviors. They also demonstrate the effectiveness of this increasingly popular self calming technique: EFT.
Attendee Comment: What a wonderful, powerful line-up of presenters! So much compassion from each presenter! Loved it. This has been the best program ever.
If you have been looking for quality information to help you, your client, or someone you care about resolve their addictive behavior: Healing the Cycle of Addiction will be helpful to you. This information is useful for practitioners and all persons, either highly experienced or new to EFT, who are interested in using the highly effective techniques available with EFT for addictive behavior issues with themselves or their clients.
This set of quality videos with expert information captures the highlights of the three day addictions seminar: Healing the Cycle of Addiction, featuring Dr. Carol Look, Sue Beer, David Rourke and Loretta Sparks held in Los Angeles January 2008.
Practitioner Comment: “All presented with humor and love. The demonstrations really showed me how to integrate EFT with my therapy skills. I learned so much. Highlights for me: use of humor from David, staying with the client from Sue, how to dig deep into core issues from Carol and solid therapeutic foundation from Loretta.”
What’s Inside this valuable set:
- A helpful framework to identify addictive problems
- Six Stage Model of Addiction
- How to use a Pro and Con list
- A proposed model of Five Stages of Transformation
- The impact of Childhood Events
- Skillful and useful questions to uncover core issues
- The impact and effect of Chronic Stress
- A unique method to create an anchor for positive feelings
- What it means to be a Compulsive Helper
- The importance of Self Care and some terrific suggestions
- Identify the drivers behind addictions
- Tips and hints for using EFT with any addictive behavior
- Much, much more
What the Attendees Said
The evaluation comments from the attendees were overwhelmingly positive and indicated the Healing the Cycle of Addictions seminar was helpful for them both professionally and personally. In addition, pre and post surveys completed before the seminar and three months later showed significant improvement in reported symptoms.
Participant Comments:
Loretta’s explanation of ‘compulsive helping’ helped with insights into my relationship with my husband. Her creative presentation helped me gain wonderful insights that created cognitive shifts for me. Carol Look’s demo on cravings helped me experience deep personal healing regarding my own grief and loss. |
I thought I knew a lot about addictions. I was wrong!!

At the workshop I was busy ‘coordinating’ so did not watch all the presentations. In going through the DVDs, I was so impressed with the wealth of information these folks gave you! As I watched these experts at work, I actually picked up many valuable tips related to how the information ties into using EFT. AND I had the opportunity to learn new things as well. Like me, you will now have the opportunity to review the information – in a clear and easily understood way – at your own pace.
Since editing these DVDs, I’ve successfully used the tips many times that I picked up from Carol, David, Loretta and Sue and helped my clients move faster through their issues.”
Order your set today and experience the useful information, tips, hints and suggestions!
Experience your Own Benefits with this Powerful Training Set
Personal and Professional Benefit
The Addictions workshop gives useful information, helpful reframes and exercises.
You’d expect to increase your knowledge of addictions at an addictions workshop, right? But the personal benefit of experiencing significant impact on your own personal issues is truly amazing. Watch this rich seminar full of information and borrowed benefits. If you choose to participate in the exercises it will be like you were there.
Added Benefits
You have the added benefit of being able to replay the parts most significant to you. We are confident that in watching these videos and participating along with the presenters and audience you will significantly increase your knowledge in using this effective technique with any type addiction and have your own personal benefit.
Stunning Research Results
Some of the attendees chose to be a part of a research program on the effectiveness of EFT. They completed a survey form (SA-45) listing current symptoms, just before and just after the seminar, and again three months later in order to assess how well the changes held.
There was an average of 38% reduction in all presented symptoms. The highest improvement was in phobias: 66%. In statistical terms this percentage of improvements holding after 90 days is stunning.
With these videos you can Borrow Benefits for your own issues as you tap along to the fascinating demonstrations. TAP ALONG as participants deal with issues related to:
- Addictions
- Cravings
- Guilt and shame
- Perfectionism
- Procrastination
- And more
More Attendee Comments:
The combined depth of experience, knowledge and insights available and the diversity of approach and application of EFT from the solid foundation of experience. So insightful and expansive to my journey of recovery. Lots of tapping and humor.Loretta’s ‘Compulsive Helping’ presentation was full of essential information for all practitioners of EFTI absolutely loved the skillful questions that David used. |
Useful Demonstrations:
- Sample Phrases for dealing with universal emotions
- Examples of the variety of reactions people have
- Watch various ways people process their issues
- Skillful ways to handle complex issues
- Total acceptance and deep respect for the participant
- The healthy ability to stay unattached to the outcome
- And much, much more!!
[The Workshop] gave me ideas for how to listen and follow the [client] feelings. Made me worry less about saying the wrong things. I learned a lot!I found that many of the tapping statements gave me break throughs on issues that I have worked on and became stagnated on. The theoretical/informational parts were quite helpful and supported the very rich demonstrations. |
Professionally Filmed – Skillfully Edited
This DVD set is unique in the EFT field. Each minute is filled with meaningful information and skillful management of multiple, complex issues by experts.
Increase your knowledge of Addictions and managing addictive behavior. Healing the Cycle of Addiction DVD Set is a very useful addition to your EFT learning library.
All parts were alive and energizing!!! Up building, giving hope, very instructive. I’m thrilled I attended and feel renewed.
Benefit from 80 Years Experience
Carol, David, Sue and Loretta’s combined experience of 80 years in the addictive field is now available to you! There is a great deal of helpful content for persons either suffering from or working with any type of addiction. We think you will be impressed with each presenter’s emotional openness, their deep grasp of the issues surrounding addictive behavior, their willingness to teach and support and their exceptional generosity. They are, indeed, masters at what they do.
Whether you are an experienced practitioner or new to EFT the information is helpful for your own journey or to increase your knowledge to help your clients.
As one attendee says:
David Rourke is a fresh breath of air. Loretta Sparks is clear and concise – well organized Carol Look – the penultimate Master Sue Beer – kind and compassionate. Learned a great deal from the different approaches and nuances in how they used EFT. |
More Comments:
Loretta is a Rock Star, David should be Comedy Central, Sue is tenderness personified and Carol is – well in a class of her own. YEAH!! They were articulate, professional, charming and have EFT!Every part of this has been incredibly useful to me and taught me more about addictions and more importantly helped me to understand more about myself. |
Order this set today and experience for yourself the richness of the information presented and the personal healing opportunities available throughout these DVDs.
Here’s what some of our customers said:
“WOW…that was easy…no hassles. Thanks! Take good care!” –Sheryl
“Thanks! I’ve had a day of many, many details. I know there’s a tappable issue there somewhere…I appreciate your having my back!” –Nancy
“I cannot thank you enough for your top-notch customer service! Thank you for a much needed product and (again) your customer service!” –Nell
“Thank you very much for your prompt service.” –Marion
Brief Explanation of EFT
Emotional Freedom Techniques, more commonly referred to as EFT, is like acupuncture for the emotions without the needles. Most people are familiar with the use of the ancient practice of acupuncture for relief of physical pain which became popular in the USA about 30 years ago. A few years later a psychiatrist discovered that if his client focused on a negative emotion or event and tapped on some of the acupuncture points instead of using needles the person experienced relief from emotional pain.
EFT is a short cut variation of this process. EFT is simple calming technique, quick to learn, easy to use and highly effective. But EFT can be much more – a sophisticated therapeutic tool.
Disclaimer NOTE: The use of EFT as projected in these workshops has proved valuable and useful not only to the participants involved but by the clients of the presenters. However, the format of EFT may or may not be exactly as outlined in the ‘Official EFT’ DVDs as sold on Gary Craig’s web site: