Stress Less, Feel Better, Solve Issues, Improve Health, Remove Blocks to Wealth and Relationships
Tapping is an easy-to-use, proven, self-help tool using light tapping or touching on a short series of acupressure points.
EFT (or tapping) is the psychological acupressure technique I routinely use in my practice and most highly recommend to optimize your emotional health. – Dr. Joe Mercola
I’m 38 lbs lighter!
For months I struggled with fatigue & pain, I was diagnosed with MS, fibromyalgia, & Hashimoto’s (thyroid disorder) and my weight skyrocketed. I ate a mostly raw an organic diet, took supplements, exercised & practiced various energy healing techniques, but I didn’t get the results I wanted. Then I worked with Karin & EFT/Matrix Reimprinting & cleared the core issues. My body immediately began responding & now I’m 38 lbs lighter & my body is healing. I feel incredible! – Cindy Kubica, International Speaker and Interview HostWhat is Tapping and How Can it Help?
Watch this free video.
Learn how YOU can change your life.
Intro to Meridian Tapping Techniques: EFT, Talk & Tap, Color of Pain, Matrix Reimprinting
This comprehensive DVD is your guide to using “tapping” to resolve emotional issues, feel better, ease pain, attract abundance and live a happier life through the use of Meridian Tapping Techniques. “How to Tap” introduces you to some of the top of these breakthrough techniques and how they can be used to benefit your life, overcome obstacles to success, deal with physical issues, and resolve emotional pain.
Life-time phobia GONE!
Ever since a was a child, I have been scared to death of spiders. Even just the site of a spider across the room would terrify me. Tapping got me to where I at least could LOOK at a spider, but after one session of Matrix Reimprinting with Karin Davidson, the phobia was COMPLETELY GONE. I could hardly believe it myself! After all these years – gone in 20 minutes. – Mark David
It Works!
If you know anything about The Gabriel Method and weight loss, you know that stress and traumatic past experiences affect almost everyone and can lead to weight gain. But how do you deal with them? There are some very simple tools you can use at home, and for me, tapping is one of them. It costs nothing, you can do it all by yourself, and best of all, it works! – Jon Gabriel
Doctors couldn’t help!
I have often felt I just didn’t belong on this planet. And after 60 years, I was just exhausted. I was diagnosed with a very rare sleep disorder Ideopathic Hypersomnia. I couldn’t stay awake. I had spells of falling asleep without warning – when driving, in the bathtub, waiting for the train. The medical doctors couldn’t help. I was dying, and wanted to be, but Karin used Meta-Medicine to diagnose the cause & Matrix Reimprinting to clear it. I now have my energy & my body back. I can stay awake & sleep appropriately. I really do love my life. Thank you, Karin for not giving up on me when everyone in the allopathic kingdom did so. – NG, M.Ed., LPC
Something amazing happened this morning! My 7 month old has been having intense stomach pain affecting his sleep. I’ve been working on my diet which is helping but this week it has been so hard for him to fall asleep with this pain. Just now I began tapping on him while he was squirming in my arms and it instantly began to work! He’s calmly sleeping and I know the tapping was the wonder! THANK YOU! – Stephanie Dodd,
I watched your How to Tap DVD and there is a tapalong on “Making Money”. I had no idea how much I needed that piece personally. I am doing so many things right now that are reinventions of me. You did an awesome job with that one and I was deeply blessed by it. – LS
Karin Davidson personally guides you through step-by-step tapping techniques, complete with tap-alongs, demonstration examples, and everything you need to utilize these proven self-help techniques immediately. Karin has worked and taught thousands of people to help themselves and others become free from their past and move forward into a brighter, happier future. Not only does she use these techniques in her successful private practice, but she is also an international trainer of EFT, Meridian Tapping Techniques, and Matrix Reimprinting and co-author of the books “EFT Level 1 and Level 2 Comprehensive Training Resources”.
I was diagnosed with clinical episodic depression and was told there was no cure. Since Tapping, I haven’t had an episode in over 5 years. – KR
I have learned much and resolved a great many personal issues by tapping along with you. Much Thanks. – JB
When I look back upon my life, there will be a few people that hold a special place in my heart. Karin Davidson will be one of them. Her presence has the same effect on me as EFT, she soothes me immediately. Her natural warm magnetism draws people to her and her infectious laugh comes from her love for humanity. She exudes such calmness and clarity, and conveys her teaching to you in ways I can’t explain, the ways that bring out the best you have. In essence, Karin Davidson makes you feel like God has tickled you under the chin.
– Paul Lynch,